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Project goals and objectives:
The wider objective of curriculum development project ALIOT is to provide studies in the emerging field of Internet of Things (IoT) according to the needs of the modern society; to bring the universities closer to changes in global ICT labour market and world education sphere; to give students an idea of various job profiles in different IoT domains.
Specific project objectives are:
- to introduce a multi-domain and integrated IoT programme for master students in UA universities by September 2019;
- to introduce a multi-domain and integrated IoT programme for doctoral students in UA universities by September 2019;
to provide the mechanism for intensive capacity building measures for UA CT tutors by September 2019;
- to establish a multi-domain IoT Cluster Network in Ukraine by September 2019. This network will provide an environment for knowledge sharing and transfer as well as cross-fertilisation of innovative IoT-related research ideas and practices between the academic and industrial sectors.
- to introduce a multi-domain and integrated IoT programme for master students in UA universities by September 2019;
- to introduce a multi-domain and integrated IoT programme for doctoral students in UA universities by September 2019;
- to provide the mechanism for intensive capacity building measures for UA CT tutors by September 2019;
- to establish multi-domain IoT Cluster Network in Ukraine by September 2019.
Expected results:
- a multi-domain and integrated IoT programme for master students in UA universities by September 2019 is introduced;
- a multi-domain and Integrated IoT programme for doctoral students in UA universities by September 2019 is introduced;
- the mechanism for intensive capacity building measures for UA CT tutors is provided;
- the multi-domain IoT Cluster Network in Ukraine is established.
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. All publications on this website reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.