A Study on the Impact of Chinese Rural Cultural Tourism Development on the Global Impression of China: Cultural Inheritance and Innovation from an International Perspective

Abstract: This paper takes the development of rural cultural tourism in China as the research object and explores its impact on the global impression of China. Through in-depth analysis of the current situation and characteristics of rural cultural tourism development and its impact on the global impression of China, this paper aims to reveal the positive role of rural cultural tourism development in enhancing the global impression of China. At the same time, it explores the cultural inheritance and innovation in the development of rural cultural tourism from an international perspective, providing useful insights for the development of rural cultural tourism in China.

Keywords: rural cultural tourism; global impression of China; cultural heritage; innovation

I. Introduction

In recent years, with the in-depth implementation of China’s rural revitalization strategy, the rural cultural tourism industry has developed rapidly. In this context, this paper tries to explore the impact of China’s rural cultural tourism development on the global impression of China, and how to realize cultural inheritance and innovation in an international perspective.

II. The current situation and characteristics of China’s rural culture and tourism development

  1. Current situation

At present, China’s rural culture and tourism industry shows a rapid development trend, mainly including rural tourism, rural lodging, rural culture and creativity and other forms of business. The rural cultural tourism industry has played a positive role in promoting farmers’ income, inheriting excellent traditional culture, and promoting the transformation and upgrading of rural industries.

Rural tourism, as an important part of the rural culture and tourism industry, has attracted a large number of tourists into the countryside to experience rural life and rural customs. The development of rural tourism not only brings economic income to the countryside, but also promotes the improvement and upgrading of rural infrastructure. At the same time, the development of rural tourism also helps to inherit and carry forward the traditional culture of the countryside, so that more people understand and recognize the rural culture, and enhance cultural confidence.

Rural B&B, as an emerging form of rural culture and tourism industry, has attracted a large number of tourists with its unique rural flavor and the advantage of proximity to nature. The development of rural lodging not only provides a comfortable accommodation environment for tourists, but also provides a new way for farmers to increase their income. At the same time, the development of rural B&B also helps to promote the transformation and upgrading of rural industries and the development of rural economy.

Rural cultural creation is another important part of the rural cultural tourism industry, which is based on rural culture and transforms rural culture into products with market value through creativity and design. The development of rural cultural creation not only brings economic income to the countryside, but also provides new ideas and methods for the inheritance and innovation of rural culture. At the same time, the development of rural culture and creativity also helps to enhance the popularity and influence of the countryside, attracting more people to come to the countryside to travel and experience.

The development of rural cultural tourism industry has played a positive role in promoting the income of farmers, cultural heritage and industrial transformation and upgrading. However, the development of rural cultural tourism industry also faces some challenges, such as how to protect the rural environment, how to avoid homogeneous competition, how to achieve sustainable development. Therefore, we need to promote the development of rural cultural tourism industry while strengthening its management and regulation to ensure its healthy, stable and sustainable development.

  1. Characteristics

The development of China’s rural cultural and tourism industry has benefited from its unique resource advantages, industrial integration and huge market potential. The following is a detailed description of these three aspects:

  • Obvious resource advantages China’s rural areas are rich in natural and human resources, which provide good conditions for the development of rural cultural tourism. In terms of natural resources, China is a vast country with a wide variety of natural landscapes, including mountains and waters, rural scenery, forests and grasslands, etc. These natural resources are not only of great ornamental value, but also an ideal place for outdoor sports and eco-tourism. These  natural  resources  are  not  only  of  high ornamental value, but also ideal places for outdoor sports and eco-tourism. As for human resources, China’s rural areas have a long history and deep cultural heritage, with numerous traditional villages, folk cultures and intangible cultural heritages. These human resources are an important basis for the development of rural cultural tourism in China, and can attract tourists to deeply understand and experience China’s rural culture.

First, natural resources are the foundation for rural cultural tourism development. China’s rural areas are endowed with rich natural resources, including landscapes, rural scenery, forests and grasslands. These natural resources are not only of high ornamental value, but also ideal places for outdoor sports and eco-tourism. For example, some rural areas can make use of their unique geographical location and climatic conditions to develop special agriculture, such as terraces, tea plantations, orchards, etc., to attract tourists to come to experience farming culture and feel the charm of nature.

Secondly, human resources are the soul of rural cultural tourism development. China’s rural areas have a long history and deep cultural heritage, with many traditional villages, folk culture, intangible cultural heritage. These human resources are an important basis for the development of rural cultural tourism in China, which can attract tourists to deeply understand and experience China’s rural culture. For example, some rural areas can display traditional rural lifestyles and folk customs through the protection and restoration of ancient buildings and villages, so that tourists can feel the history and cultural heritage of the Chinese countryside.

  • High degree of industrial integration The rural cultural tourism industry involves many fields, such as agriculture, tourism, culture and education, and has a high degree of industrial This integration not only promotes the diversified development of the rural industry, but also provides a richer and deeper experience for tourists. For example, the combination of agriculture and tourism produces agritourism, in which tourists can experience farming activities in the countryside, learn about the agricultural production process and feel the idyllic life. The combination of culture and tourism generates cultural tourism, in which tourists can gain a deeper understanding of China’s rural culture by visiting traditional villages and experiencing folklore activities.

First of all, the integration of agriculture and tourism is an important part of the rural cultural tourism industry. Through the development of agritourism, tourists can experience farming activities in the countryside, learn about the agricultural production process and feel the idyllic life. This integration can not only provide farmers with new sources of income, but also help promote modern agricultural technology and enhance the added value of agriculture.

Secondly, the integration of culture and tourism is an important development direction for the rural cultural tourism industry. Through the development of cultural tourism, tourists can gain a deeper understanding of China’s rural culture by visiting traditional villages and experiencing folk activities. This integration not only protects and inherits traditional culture, but also helps to enhance the popularity and influence of villages.

  • Huge market potential With the improvement of people’s living standards and the growing demand for rural tourism and experiences, the rural cultural tourism market has huge As a new type of tourism, rural tourism has attracted more and more tourists with its unique natural scenery, humanistic environment and leisure experience. Especially in the context of the accelerated pace of urban life and increased pressure, rural tourism has become an important choice for people to relax and return to nature. Therefore, the market demand for rural cultural tourism industry will continue to grow, and the market potential is huge.

First of all, with the improvement of people’s living standards, the demand for tourism is also increasing. As a new type of tourism, rural tourism has attracted more and more tourists with its unique natural scenery, humanistic environment and leisure experience. Especially in the context of the accelerated pace of urban life and increased pressure, rural tourism has become an important choice for people to relax and return to nature.

Secondly, the development of rural tourism has also led to the development of related industries, such as rural lodging and rural cultural and creative industries. The development of these industries not only injects new vitality into the rural economy, but also provides visitors with richer and deeper experiences. Therefore, the market demand for rural culture and tourism industry will continue to grow, and the market potential is huge.

In summary, the development of China’s rural cultural tourism industry benefits from its unique resource advantages, industrial integration and huge market potential. In the future, with the in-depth implementation of the rural revitalization strategy and the continuous innovation of the rural cultural tourism industry, China’s rural cultural tourism industry will usher in a broader development space.

III. Impact of rural cultural tourism development on the global impression of China

  1. Enhancing the global impression of China

Rural cultural tourism development plays an important role in showcasing the achievements of China’s rural revitalization. With the in-depth implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, China’s rural areas have undergone radical changes. By showcasing the beautiful landscapes, traditional architecture and folk culture of the countryside, rural cultural tourism development has shown the world the great changes and development achievements of the countryside. This not only helps to raise global awareness of China’s rural development, but also changes the stereotypical impression of the outside world of China’s countryside, and raises the evaluation and recognition of China’s rural revitalization.

Rural cultural tourism development can also spread the excellent traditional Chinese culture and enhance the global cultural identity of China. The countryside is an important carrier of China’s excellent traditional culture, with rich historical and cultural heritage and traditional folklore. Through the development of rural cultural  tourism,  tourists  can  personally  experience  and understand Chinese traditional culture, and feel the wisdom and unique charm of the Chinese nation. This cultural dissemination and exchange not only deepens the global sense of cultural identity with China, but also promotes the international dissemination and exchange of Chinese culture.

The development of rural cultural tourism has also brought economic income growth and social development opportunities to Chinese villages. The development of rural cultural tourism has led to the diversification of the rural economy, provided employment and entrepreneurial opportunities for farmers, and promoted the income of farmers and the development of the rural economy. At the same time, the development of rural cultural tourism has also led to the improvement and upgrading of rural infrastructure, and promoted the progress and development of rural society.

  1. Shaping international image

Rural cultural tourism development plays an important role in shaping China’s positive image on the world stage. By showcasing China’s beautiful countryside, excellent traditional culture and modern rural life, rural cultural tourism provides the world with a comprehensive and three-dimensional image of China, and enhances  the  international  community’s  knowledge  and understanding of China.

First of all, the development of rural cultural tourism showcases the beautiful landscape and natural environment of China’s countryside. China’s rural areas are rich in natural resources, such as landscapes, rural scenery, forests and grasslands. These beautiful natural landscapes not only attract a large number of domestic and foreign tourists, but also become a source of inspiration for photography, painting and other artistic creations. Through the development of rural cultural tourism, the beautiful landscapes of China’s countryside can be displayed in front of the world, allowing more people to understand and appreciate the natural beauty of China’s countryside.

Secondly, the development of rural cultural tourism spreads China’s excellent traditional culture. China’s rural areas have a long history and deep cultural heritage, with many traditional villages, folk cultures and intangible cultural heritages. By displaying these traditional cultures, rural cultural tourism allows tourists to gain a deeper understanding of Chinese history, culture and folk customs. This cultural dissemination and exchange not only deepens the international community’s sense of cultural identity with China, but also promotes the international dissemination and exchange of Chinese culture.

Finally, the development of rural culture and tourism demonstrates the face of China’s modern rural life. With the in-depth implementation of China’s rural revitalization strategy, the living conditions and infrastructure of the countryside have been significantly improved. By demonstrating the convenience and comfort of modern rural life, rural cultural tourism has changed the poor and backward image of China’s villages, showing the achievements of China’s rural revitalization and the charm of modern rural life.

IV. Cultural inheritance and innovation from an international perspective

In the development of rural cultural tourism, the inheritance of excellent traditional culture is an important means to maintain cultural vitality and charm, and also the basis for promoting cultural innovation. We should focus on excavating and inheriting the excellent traditional culture of the countryside, combining it with modern life, and injecting cultural connotations into rural revitalization. This not only protects and inherits the cultural traditions of the countryside, but also enhances the cultural attractiveness and influence of the countryside and promotes the sustainable development of the countryside.

First of all, we should pay attention to excavating and inheriting the excellent traditional culture of the countryside. The countryside is an important carrier of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, with rich historical and cultural heritage and traditional folklore. We should strengthen the excavation and research of traditional culture in the countryside, protect and restore ancient buildings and villages, and inherit and promote traditional crafts and folk activities. At the same time, we should focus on the creative transformation and innovative development of traditional culture, so as to combine it with modern life and inject cultural connotations into rural revitalization.

Secondly, we should learn from international advanced experience and innovate the rural cultural tourism development mode. The development of rural culture and tourism should not just stay in the traditional rural tourism, rural lodging and other forms of business, but should also promote the deep integration of rural tourism with agriculture, education, sports and other industries to enhance the competitiveness of the rural culture and tourism industry. For example, agricultural tourism can be developed so that tourists can participate in farming activities and experience the agricultural production process; educational tourism can be developed so that tourists can learn about the history and culture of the countryside and increase their knowledge; sports tourism can be developed so that tourists can do outdoor sports in the countryside and exercise their bodies.

V. Conclusion

By analyzing the impact of China’s rural cultural tourism development on the global impression of China, this paper concludes that the development of rural cultural tourism has a positive role in enhancing the global impression of China and shaping the international image. At the same time, exploring the issue of cultural inheritance and innovation from an international perspective provides useful insights for China’s rural cultural tourism development. In the future, China’s rural cultural tourism industry should continue to deepen reform, strengthen cultural inheritance and innovation, and promote the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside.

Zhao Yan,
group 549mi