Every year, Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University proves the high status of one of the educational leaders in the Black Sea region. The University focuses the attention on the implementation of the goals, that are set in “Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University: Internationalization Strategy 2018-2023”, official document, that provides specific international cooperation actions.
Italian institutions, including Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, are interested in developing of educational and scientific programs with Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University. The proofs of this bilateral work are the regular students and teachers exchanges between both universities within the framework of the academic mobility programs.
On May 15, 2018, Biagi Paolo, Full Professor of Prehistory and Protohistory, PhD Department of Asian and North African Studies of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice presented the new lectures of the course “General prehistoric archaeology from the beginning to the Bronze age: some examples” to the students of Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University.
During his visit, Professor Paolo Biagi taught the course of lectures on the General Prehistory, European Prehistory, Caucasus Prehistory and the Indian Ocean Prehistory for the III Grade historian students in Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University. At the end of the course the students were examined by Professor Biagi and received a special certificate.
The experience of the European, and especially the Italian history research school, is very important for the teachers and students of Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, because it allows Ukrainians to understand the peculiarities of research and education in the European universities, to learn the new methodology, to find out traditions and cultural heritage of Italy.
In addition, the Italian guest gave a speech at the International Scientific Conference “Olbia Forum 2018: Strategies of the Black Sea Region Countries in the Geopolitical Sphere.” Rector of our University Leonid Klymenko presented an introductory speech at the conference. In his speech he pointed out that the exchange of the international experience is the necessary element of the University’s development, which directly affects the improvement of the education level and life in difficult financial and socio-economic conditions.
Prof. Biagi introduced the speech and presentation on the topic “Archaeological expedition in the South of Pakistan and the Arabian Sea” and enriched the educational importance of the conference by his scientific developments. Taking as an example the Italian archaeological missions in Oman and Pakistan, which were managed since the 1980s, the members of the conference could see how the state might support the scientific development in the country and improve bilateral relations with other states. The dynamic schedule of the scientific conference ended on June 10th. The members of the conference made the summing up, final discussions on the proposals according to the research sections and the adopted the joint resolution of the “Olbia Forum-2018”.