Foreign Students
Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University is a young university which has already established itself as a reliable educational institution not only for those who wish to obtain high-quality higher education by European standards among Ukrainian audiences, but also among foreign citizens.
The process of entrance for foreigners to study in Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University is based on:
- International agreements with Ukrainian partners;
- National programs;
- Contracts signed with natural and legal persons by the University.
The University accepts foreigners without any restrictions based on race, skin color, political, religious and other beliefs, sex, ethnic or social origin, residence, language or other features.
According to conducted agreements foreign citizens are able to enter Bachelor, Master, PhD candidates Degree programs twice per year until 1st of November and until 1st of March. The foreign citizens are also able to be enrolled at training department during the year provided that the group is composed of at least 10 people.
Rules for admission

- The admission to the Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University of foreigners and stateless persons for study is carried out in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine On Higher Education, On Legal Status Of Foreigners And Stateless Persons, On Foreigners of Ukrainian Origin, On Internally Displaced Persons In Need Of Additional Or Temporary Protection, Presidential Decree No. 271 On Measures of Economic Cooperation Development between Ukrainian Regions and Contiguous Regions of Republic of Belarus and Administrative-territorial Units of Republic of Moldova of June 3, 1994, Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No 684 On Some Issues For Recruiting Foreigners And Stateless Persons of September 11, 2013, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated November 1, 2013 No1541 On Some Issues of the Organization of the Recruitment and Training (Internship) of Foreigners and Stateless Persons registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on November 25, 2013, No. 2004/24536.
- Foreigners and stateless persons (hereinafter – Foreigners) may obtain higher education at the expense of individual or legal entity, unless otherwise provided by international agreements of Ukraine, the consent to be bound by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, laws or agreements between higher education institutions on international academic mobility. Admission of foreigners to the Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University for study at the expense of the state budget is carried out within quotas for foreigners.
- Foreigners who come to Ukraine for study, enter to the Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University for accredited educational programs (specialties). Entry of foreign students to study at the expense of individual or legal entity is carried out:
1) once a year, before and at the beginning of academic semesters (but not later than on November 1-st and on March 1-st respectively) for obtaining the Junior Bachelor’s, Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees.
2) throughout the year for postgraduate study, graduate work at a postgraduate military course, doctoral studies (PhD).
The deadlines for submitting bids to the United Base, as defined in paragraph 7 of Section XV of these Rules, do not apply to the reception of such foreigners.
Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University calculates points/marks of the enrollee based on the document about the previous educational level and determines minimum number of points/marks, which are required for entrance from the general subjects that are present in the entrance examination.
Enrollment foreigners to study at an appropriate level of higher education carried out by the results of entrance examinations (interview) on certain subjects and language training and on the basis of academic rights to continue studies provided a document of acquired education in the country of origin, and taking into account the points of success that are entitled to continue education at the next level of higher education in accordance with the laws of the country which issued the document about the obtained degree (level) education.
- All categories of foreigners enrolled in training are credited to the Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University on the basis of enrollment orders that are formed in The general state electronic educational base.
- The requirements of the Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University regarding the correspondence of the enrollee foreigners who arrived in Ukraine for the purpose of studying, the conditions for admission to the corresponding levels of higher education, as well as the terms for accepting applications and documents, conducting entrance examinations, creative competitions and enrollment are indicated in these Rules of Admission and are published on the official website of the Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University.
- Foreigners who receive state scholarships under international agreements, national programs, and other international obligations of Ukraine are admitted to study within the established quotas for foreigners on the basis of the directions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
- Foreigners who come to Ukraine to participate in academic mobility programs or educational programs between Ukrainian universities and foreign higher education institutions are accepted for study on contractual obligations of the University.
- Foreign Ukrainians who are legally in Ukraine, and their status is certified by a certificate of a foreign Ukrainian, have the same rights to education as citizens of Ukraine, with the exceptions established by the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine or international treaties, the consent to be binding on provided by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
Foreign Ukrainians, whose status is certified by a certificate of a foreign Ukrainian, can be enrolled for study on state orders within the established quotas for foreigners according to the results of entrance examinations on the subjects stipulated by the Rules of admission.
- Foreigners and stateless persons permanently residing in Ukraine, persons who have been granted refugee status in Ukraine, and those who need additional or temporary protection and enter the Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University in accordance with the rules provided by these Rules for citizens of Ukraine, may take part in the competitive admissions on state orders within the established quotas by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the basis of a special competitive score, calculated as the ratio of the entrant’s competitive score determined in accordance with paragraph eight of Section VII of these Rules, to the minimum competitive score threshold for the provision of recommendations to the state (regional) order in the general competition for this tender offer in the previous year (ina case of absence of such a competitive score, a similar indicator is used for another, most closely related, competitive proposal within the institution of higher education, in the case of impossibility – another institution of higher education by the decision of the admissions committee).
Institute of Public Administration
- Management
- Public Management and Administration:
Institute of Philology
- Journalism
- Secondary education
- Ukrainian language and literature
- Slavic languages and literatures (including Translation, first language of studying is Polish))
- Germanic languages and literatures (including Translation, first language of studying is English))
- Germanic languages and literatures (including Translation, first language of studying is German))
Medical Institute
- Medicine
- Physical therapy, Ergotherapy
- Pharmaceutical science, Industrial pharmacy
- Ecology
- Psychology
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
- Physical Culture and Sports
Faculty of Political Science
- Political science
- Social science
- Social work
- History and Archeology
- International Relations, Social communication, Regional Studios.
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Economics
- Finance, Banking Industry, Insurance Industry
- Accounting and Taxation
- Entrepreneurial Management, Trade and Exchange Activities
- Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies
- Geodetics and Land planning
Faculty of Computer Science
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Science
- Automatization and Computer-integrated Technology
- Software Engineering
Educational and Research Institute of Postgraduate Education:
- Management: Quality, Standardization and Certification (Master’s Degree)
Retraining, graduate training of specialists and obtaining higher education without separation from job (correspondence form of training) takes place at the Educational and Research Institute of Postgraduate Education in all specialties, which are available at the full-time education.
Terms of Study and tuition fee
Study is performed in Ukrainian and English in groups of more than 10 people.
After graduation students receive a diploma of the European standard.
- Training Department – 1 month – 1 year
- Bachelor – 4 years
- Master – 1.5-2 years (depending on the chosen specialty).
- PhD – 4 year
- Doctorate – 2 year
The amount of payment for the training/education of foreigners and stateless persons
Foreigners who want to study at the Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University should contact the International Department:
tel.: (0512) 76-55-77
Degree |
The Cost of Study Per Year in US Dollars |
Language |
Preparatory Department |
1500 |
Full-time Education
Bachelor |
1503 |
Ukrainian |
Bachelor |
1700* |
English |
Master in specialty 222 “Medicine” |
3000 |
Ukrainian |
Master in specialty 222 “Medicine” |
3700* (1st, 2nd, and 3rd years of training, per year) |
English |
Master in specialty 222 “Medicine” |
3200* (1st, 2nd, and 3rd years of training, per year) |
Russian |
3500* (4th, 5th, and 6th years of training, per year) |
Master |
1503 |
Ukrainian |
Master |
1700* |
English |
2000 |
English |
Doctorate |
2000 |
English |
External Form of Education
Bachelor |
1100 |
regardless of language |
Master |
1503 |
* if a separate group is formed
You may transfer payment directly to the bank account of the Petro Mohyla BSNU from abroad:
Intermediary Bank:
The Bank of New York Mellon
New York, USA
Beneficiary Bank:
Kyiv, Ukraine
Account number IBAN UA
Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University,
Desantnykiv Street 68 Bulding 10,
UA-54003 Mykolaiv
Number 23623471
Payment appointment: tuition fees _________(name, surname)__________ according to the contract No. _________________ for education for the period of 20__-20__ academic year for the -___________ year
General Information
The invitation
The cost of invitation amounts to $ 100 (one hundred) US dollars at the rate of the National Bank of Ukraine at the time of payment.
On the arrival the student must provide the following documents:
- Document on previously obtained education and evaluation (points) of the learned subjects with their translation into Ukrainian certified by a notary;
- Medical health certificate, certified by an official health authority of the country from which the foreigner has came issued no later than two months before arriving into Ukraine;
- Medical certificate about the absence of HIV infection;
- Passport and 2 translation into Ukrainian certified by a notary;
- 10 photos 3.4×4.5
- Insurances for 6 year
NOSTRIFICATION (The Validation or recognition of foreign studies and degrees)
Documents about previous education MUST be only with APOSTILLE! We won’t enroll the students without APOSTILLE, because it is first step of nostrification. The nostrification (validation) MUST be done BEFORE THE END of the 1st semester of the 1st academic year, OTHERWISE the university HAS THE RIGHT TO EXPELL the student.
A foreigner is enrolled to study only after paying the first year of education in full and providing all the necessary documents.
Training department
Term of study – 4 month, price is 100 $ per month.
Training Department of Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University is a special department operating in accordance to the Ukraine laws.
Training Department prepares foreign students for further education at the University. Training Department accepts foreigners who have completed secondary education but do not speak Ukrainian. The purpose here is to learn Ukrainian language and to gain additional knowledge at core subjects.
In order to enter to the University foreigners have to receive a formal invitation to Ukraine. Foreigner in order to obtain the invitation need to send an e-mail with a request and scanned copies of passport and Diplomas (previously obtained education).
On the arrival foreigners need to apply to the International Department the following documents:
- Document on previously obtained education and evaluation (points) of the learned subjects with their translation into Ukrainian certified by a notary;
- Medical health certificate, certified by an official health authority of the country from which the foreigner has came issued no later than two months before arriving into Ukraine;
- Medical certificate about the absence of HIV infection;
- Passport and 2 translation into Ukrainian certified by a notary;
- Insurance for the whole period of the training
- 10 photos 3.4 × 4.5 cm.
Hostel № 3 is located at Mykolaiv, Logovenko st., 2. The location of the hostel is very convenient: it is located nearby the University and surrounded by the supermarket, shops and public transport. The building has 3 floors and is able to accommodate 150 students. On each floor, there are kitchens equipped with electric cookers and bathrooms with modern renovation. The self-catering kitchen is well-equipped to cook delicious homemade food.
The staff of the hostel carefully observes the cleanliness and order of all necessary premises.
Rooms for 2 or 3 persons are comfortable for living and studying. Students have access to the Internet. At any time, they have the opportunity to address available questions and suggestions to staff who is ready to help and provide all the necessary information.
Students have the possibility to use the laundry facilities (paid service).
Students have the opportunity to attend a library that is located in the hostel building with comfortable conditions for self-training in their free time.
A healthy lifestyle is maintained in the hostel and on its territory.
Hostel fees per month amount to $ 40 (forty) US dollars at the rate of the National Bank of Ukraine, determined at the time of payment. In the payment appointment you should point type of payment tuition fees or hostel fees!
If you have any questions feel free to contact us.
Tel.: (0512) 76-55-77