About Departments
Department of Sociology
Telephone: (0512) 76-55-52
E-mail: mdgu_sociologia@mail.ru
Building: 10
Room: 309
The Department of Sociology at Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University is a center for teaching and researching in Sociology. The Faculty provides the theoretical teaching as well as practical training. Students enrolled under “Sociology” section undergo their internship in the local media and advertising agencies. They are involved in the sociological research and voluntary activities of charitable funds of the city. The results of student’s scientific researches and their social projects are realized within the context of the Centre for Sociological Research.
The Department of Sociology was established in 2001 within the context of the developmental strategy of the university. In 2008/2009 the first intake of students on specialty “Sociology” took place. Nowadays, the Department trains specialists in two fields: “Social work” and “Sociology”.
Students annually undergo international internship in the United States, Germany, Britain and China. The department of sociology has productive relationships with various institutions and social organizations. The professors are highly qualified specialists and active members of such leading scientific and practical all-Ukrainian institutions as the Sociological Association of Ukraine and the Ukrainian associations of psychotherapists. The Department of Sociology is a scientific-educational center of Mykolaiv. Professional stuff of the Department provides high quality training. All professors use personally-oriented educational technology, interactive teaching methods and the methods of art therapy that allow activating emotions and creativity of students.
Department of Psychology
The Department of Psychology was established on the 1st of September, 2014. Its core task is to give a student the Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and to provide the “Psychology” course to the students from the other departments of the PMBSNU. Students get the theoretical knowledge and practical skills accordingly to the curriculum of the psychology departments of the classic universities. The curriculum includes General, Developmental, Educational, Experimental, Social, Differential, Engineer, Clinical, Legal and Political Psychology. The History of Psychology, the Psychology of Management, the Labor Psychology, Psycho diagnostics, Path psychology, and Elementary Psychology are studied also.
Among all the disciplines of the natural-scientific studies, it should be mentioned such courses as the Anatomy and Evolution of Nervous System, the Theory of Biology and Human Genetics, Psychophysiology, Human Ecology and Ecological Psychology, Anthropology, Animal Behaviour, and Comparative Psychology. Additionally to the mentioned basically studied subjects, students of the Department are offered a number of the following humanities: the English and Ukrainian Language, the History of Ukraine and Ukrainian Culture, Philosophy, and Political Science.