International Projects
Such international initiatives as Visegrad Fund project, Tempus Cabriolet project, and Jean Monnet program encourage the young scientists to adopt the best European scholarly innovations and to share experience.

Information about course ‘Democracy in transition with V4 experience’
Research on Eastern European attitudes toward democracy has not comprehensively examined the economic, social, and political origins of support for and satisfaction with democracy and what these portend for democratic consolidation in Eastern Europe. A transitional democracy is a country that is relatively democratic but shows incomplete signs of democratic consolidations. They fall midway between an established democracy and non-democracy. Differentiating origins of mass support and satisfaction clarify whether ordinary citizens perceive democracy as a normatively correct, legitimate process of making collective and binding decisions or merely as a means of achieving efficiency and distributive justice. Multivariate analysis revealed that among social, economic, and psychological factors influence support, only economic evaluations predict satisfaction. This identifies that support for democracy in Eastern Europe emanates more from recognition of the moral worth of the process than from a calculus about its benefits. However, the study reveals that dissatisfaction with democratic government abounds and may affect support. This challenges optimism for speedy consolidation, showing Eastern Europe poised to linger at the crossroads of transition for a while.
The major aim of the course is to study the changes in the scope, nature and characteristics of democratic transitions presently underway as the result of globalization and European integration. It discusses the origins of ‘Democracy’ concept and reviews the relationship between civil society, economic development, political stability and modernization. It also considers the relevance of democratization to debates about the Eastern Europe Partnership development today. Proposed course considers the notion of ‘Democracy’ and traces some of its origins across different fields from political science to philosophy and sociology. The course puts the main emphasis on the question about challenges of democratic development and transition in modern Europe. It then provides some important practical recommendations for civil society representatives and political elites concerning ways of implementation the democratic values in the Ukrainian society.
Recommended readings
Information about lecturers
Сourse timetable
Project goals and objectives
The goal of the project is to address society demand for high qualified specialists in electronic and computer engineering by introducing integrated model-oriented approach for smooth and effective evolvable cooperation and communication between academia and industry by 2016. The application fits within the development strategy of UA universities namely “State program on economy activation till 2014” and “Concept of the scientific and innovation politics in the system of higher education of Ukraine for 2012-2016”.
Objectives of the project:
- to introduce model-oriented approach for effective academia-industry cooperation in electronic and computer engineering by 2016;
- to develop intelligent knowledge-based system for supporting the model-oriented approach by 2016;
- to develop cloud-based web-portal as communication mechanism between involved parties by 2016;
- to arrange intensive capacity building measures based on 3 training blocks by 2016.
- development of web portal for communication;
- development of intelligent knowledge-based system for decision-making support of the model-oriented approach;
- internal dissemination actions & networking.
Expected results:
- web-portal is developed and effectively functioned;
- the intelligent knowledge-based system for support of model-oriented approach is successfully developed and implemented;
- 3 training blocks are developed and practically implemented;
- project results are disseminated.
Project coordinator and partners
Project coordinator from Ukraine:
National Aerospace University – Kharkiv Aviation Institute,
tel.: 0038 057 7884 503, fax: 0038 057 7884503, e-mail:
Responsible person: V’iacheslav Kharchenko, Professor
tel.: 0038 057 7884 503; e-mail:
Partners from Ukraine:
Odessa National Polytechnic University,
tel.: 0038 0482 344025, e-mail:
Responsible person: Oleksandr Drozd, Professor
tel.: 0038 067 6873 880, e-mail:
Chernihiv National University of Technology,
tel.: 0038 0462 231651, e-mail:
Responsible person: Volodymyr Kazymyr, Professor
tel.: 0038 046 2952 088, e-mail:
Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University,
tel.: +38 0152 500333, e-mail:
Responsible person: Yurii Kondratenko, Professor
tel.: 0038 015 2464 074, e-mail:
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University,
tel.: 0038 0372 526 235, e-mail:
Responsible person: Vasyl Liashkevych, the Head of International Department
tel.: 0038 037 2525 195, e-mail:
Sevastopol National Technical University,
tel.: 0038 0692 243590, e-mail:
Responsible person: Dmytro Voronin
tel.: 0038 066 0900 917, e-mail:
Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of NAS of Ukraine,
tel.: 0038 044 5263348, e-mail:
Responsible person: Olensandr Palahin, the Head of the Department of Microprocessor Devices
tel.: 0038 044 5263348, e-mail:
The Association of Information Technology Enterprises of Ukraine,
tel.: 0038 044 5858283, e-mail:
Responsible person: Yurii Perohanych, Director
tel.: 0038 067 5051201, e-mail:
SilPoint LLC
Tel.: 0038 057 7884018, e-mail:
Responsible person: Mykhailo Khokhlenkov, Executive Director
tel.: 0038 057 7884018, e-mail:
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
tel.: (044) 486-28-76, e-mail:
tel.: 0038 044 4862876, e-mail:
Web-site of the project:
Jean Monnet program
The Jean Monnet program information
What is Jean Monett Program all about?
The Jean Monnet program aims at stimulating teaching, research and reflection in the field of European integration studies at the level of higher education institutions within and outside the European Community.
European integration studies are defined as the analysis of the origins and evolution of the European Communities and the European Union in all its aspects. They cover both the internal and external dimension of European integration, including the European Union’s role in the dialogue between peoples and cultures and the European Union’s role and perception in the world.
Launched in 1989, the program is now present in 72 countries throughout the world. Between 1990 and 2011, the Jean Monnet Program has helped to set up approximately 3,700 projects in the field of European integration studies, including 165 Jean Monnet European Centres of Excellence, 879 Chairs and 2,139 permanent courses and European modules.
Since 2007 the Jean Monnet Program has formed part of the new Lifelong Learning Program 2007-2013.
The main features of the program are the following ones:
- The purpose and goal is to increase knowledge and awareness about European integration by promoting teaching, research and debate (relevant subjects include the EU’s relations with other regions in the world and the dialogue between people and cultures).
- Jean Monnet is aimed exclusively at higher education institutions (university-level). They must be formally recognized in their country (i.e. have a proper legal status) before they can participate.
- Since 2001, Jean Monnet has operated on a worldwide basis. The network is currently active in 62 countries on the five continents. Universities from every country in the world are eligible and encouraged to apply.
- The selection of Jean Monnet projects works via an annual call for proposals. The call is managed by the EU’s Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency.
The main directions of the program of Jean Monnet are:
- Jean Monnet Modules:short courses of minimum 40 teaching hours per academic year. Modules may cover several disciplines (maximum grant over three years: 21 000 euro)
- Jean Monnet Chairs:teaching posts with a specialization in European integration studies. Chair holders must personally teach a minimum of 90 hours per academic year (maximum grant over three years: 45 000 euro).
- “Ad persona” Jean Monnet Chairs:teaching posts reserved for: (i) distinguished Jean Monnet Chairs who deliver evidence of a high-level international teaching and publication record (part of which was achieved outside their country of residence); or (ii) professors with a background as high-level practitioners in European integration. Chair holders must personally teach a minimum of 90 hours per academic year (maximum grant over three years: 45 000 euro).
- Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence:institutes pooling scientific, human and documentary resources, studies and research on European integration studies within one or more universities. Each Centre works under the direction of a Jean Monnet Chair (maximum grant over three years: 75 000 euro).
- Associations of professors and researchers:for associations whose aim is to enhance the visibility of regional or national scientific and physical resources in European integration studies (maximum grant over three years: 24 000 euro).
- Information and research activities relating to European integration:promoting discussion, reflection and knowledge about via conferences, seminars, and round tables (maximum grant over one year: 40 000 euro).
- Jean Monnet Multilateral Research Groups:partnerships in European integration studies between at least three Jean Monnet Chairs from different universities in three different countries with a joint research plan (maximum grant over two years: 80 000 euro).
The application and selection process
The Jean Monnet selection is centralized in Brussels to ensure consistency. Applications are submitted to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency on the standard application forms, not through any national body.
The selection is based on a rigorous peer-review system: independent academic experts (university professors) assess the quality of each application according to four criteria:
- Quality of the applicants:excellence of the academic profile (CVs) in the specific field of European integration studies;
- Quality of the methodology and work program:quality and detail of the planned teaching, research and/or debating activities (with particular attention to the academic added value, the multidisciplinary synergies and the openness to civil society);
- Impact and relevance of the results:likely impact of the activities on education and/or training at the European and/or global level, with specific attention given to activities outside the EU;
- Innovative character:degree of innovation in the project: creation of new teaching, research and/or debating activities (as appropriate); application by higher education institutions/associations in countries not yet covered by the Jean Monnet Action, or higher education institutions/associations not yet supported by Jean Monnet funding, or involving academics not yet in receipt of Jean Monnet funding for the same type of activity.
The European Commission does not impose any restrictions on the academic freedom of recipients of Jean Monnet professorships. The network is valuable and academically prestigious precisely because it creates independent and critical analysis of European Union question
Jean Monnet selected projects
Soroka Svitlana and her project: “EU Governance and Politics of European Integration” has been selected for EU co-financing under the Erasmus + program
Deadline: 09/01/2019 – 08/31/2022
Total budget: EUR 34272,00
EU funding: EUR 25704,00
Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University co-financing: 8568,00 Euro
Aim: training courses of “EU Institutional and Legal System”, “Policy of European Integration” for the masters students in “Public Managment and Administration” and “Social Work”; dissemination of knowledge about the European Union among students, public officers, social workers, schoolchildren. The training module will contribute to deepening and expanding knowledge of EU governance and European integration among the students of the Master’s program in Public Administration and Social Work, who will work in the system of public administration, local self-government and social security of Ukraine. There will be further training of public officers and social workers in the management and implementation of EU policy. Involvement of school students, students and academics in management research in the European Union. Introducing modern technology of teaching, using computer technology by launching the EU Governance and European Integration Multimedia textbook.
Mitriasova Olena and her project : «The Best European Practices for the «Water Security» Platform to Achieve the Goals of Sustainable Development» has been selected for EU co-financing under the Erasmus + program
Deadline: 2018-2021
EU funding : EUR 29904,00
Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University co-financing: 9968,00 Euro
The Jean Monnet Module directs to better understanding harmonization of European policy and effective practices in the field of water security for achieve sustainable development goals and environmental protection.
The Module objectives are implementation of highlighting positive European practices in the field of environmental policies of water management, security and quality for sustainable development goals. An interdisciplinary (integration) approach is a base to form a study content.
The main outputs of the Module are an increase of awareness and knowledge level of learners in key aspects of EU water security policies effectiveness and challenges, and transformation of this knowledge into practical approaches for effective environmental protection in Ukraine sustainable development goals.
The Module includes university study course on European policies and best actual practices in environmental protection for Master’s students in Ecology and Environmental Protection. The Module also involves a summer school for researches, policy-makers, representatives of NGOs, industry experts and the public.
This Jean Monnet module will prepare future ecologists-professionals in ecology and environmental management to effective implementation of best European practices into transforming economy of Ukraine.
The Jean Monnet module also intended to provide in-depth teaching on European integration matters for future professionals in field which is in increasing demand on the labor market, and at the same time aim at encouraging, advising and mentoring the young generation of teachers and researchers in European integration subject area.
The Jean Monnet program Project for 2012-2013
The aim of the project is research, learning experience, generalization and popularization of European standards and principles in Ukraine through information and research activities about the European integration and European standards and principles.
The objectives are:
- – to organize and hold four events (scientific-practical conference “European integration: implementation of European standards and principles in Ukraine”; student roundtable discussion “Youth of the South of Ukraine about European integration: history and modernity”; workshop “Directions and resources for implementation of European standards in Ukraine: project realization objectives”, and the interactive seminar “Implementation of European standards and principles in Ukraine: project realization results”) with the goal of unification of information and research efforts of scientists and society; to enhance the discussion between scientists, policymakers and civil society in the area of European integration of Ukraine; to support the public policy of Ukraine towards European integration through dissemination of research results and information about the EU including practical recommendations in this area.
- – to familiarize with the experience of information and scientific as well as teaching activities of the Jean Monnet departments, professors, scientific and information centres, which are created in the Universities and public organizations in Donetsk, Chernovtsy, Uzhgorod, Kyiv and other cities in Ukraine. This is to be done in order to facilitate the work of network of the Jean Monnet departments and centres in Ukraine and its functioning for wider dissemination of information and research results about European integration processes and the role and place of Ukraine in them.
- – to outline the state of European integration activity of the public organizations and scientific and research centres in Ukraine, which act in the sphere of European integration in the higher educational institutions and research institutions in Ukraine, and to create the coordination centre for mobilization and enlargement of their activities during duration of this project and after. The objective is to facilitate the communication and exchange of experience among such centres in Ukraine, to find new research and information forms of activities etc. Such centres exist in Kyiv, Donetsk, Lvov, Kharkov, Odessa, Lutsk, Ivano-Frankovsk, Cherkassy, Kherson, Poltava, Vinnitsa and others.
Herald of Jean Monnet
‘Visnyk’ # 1 of December 25, 2012
Brochures according to the Jean Monnet project
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Contact Information
tel.: 0512 – 50-03-33 – Rector, Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University.
tel.: 0512 – 46-41-24 – Vice-rector, project manager, Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University.
fax: 0512 – 50-00-69 – Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University
Cooperation with Ukrainian Jean Monnet Departments
The Jean Monnet Programme has the objective to enhance knowledge of the European integration process. It does so by encouraging higher education institutions and/or associations of professors and researchers specialising in European integration to create teaching, research, reflection, information and debate activities on the European integration process.
Ukrainian Higher education institutions joined Jean Monnet programme since 2001.
The following Jean Monnet Modules have been introduced respectively:
Donetsk National University: Fundamentals of EU Law (2001), Achievements and Prospects of European Educational and Scientific-Technological Integration (2002);
Uzhorod National University European Union Enlargement and the Neighbourhood Policy (2005);
Donetsk State University of Management: European Economic Integration (2006), European social policy and models of social partnership (2009). Under the Action Information and Research Activities the following projects have been implemented: Ukrainian Euro-Synergy: Transparency, Networking and Building the Capacity in the Field of European Integration Studies in Ukraine (2008) by Ukrainian European Studies Association; Architecture of European Safety: Integration, cooperation of confrontation (2008) by Donetsk State University of Management.
National University Kyiv – Mohyla Academy, project «The EU and its Neighbourhood: Towards the association between the EU and Ukraine», under Action ‘Jean Monnet Chair’ (2010);
International Association for Institutional Studies, project «Human Security and Security Strategy: Institutions and Policies in a European Perspective», under Action ‘Information and Research Activities’.
Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration. Jean Monnet Chair offers the following courses for M.A. students: EU-Ukraine: development of relations and main areas of cooperation (in Ukrainian); The Economics of EU enlargement and accession (in Ukrainian). Jean Monnet Chair conducts annual working session (last decade of March) within the framework of International Congress “Public Administration and Local Self Government”
More details can be found at EACEA web-site